The “Rebellious” Power of Samples

Following the renowned quote from the ionic novel analyzed further in this article, let’s do some wordplay and put it this way: “The first rule about writing papers is reading samples.” How does that sound? Maybe, not that epic, but definitely reasonable. To write compellingly, you need to read the works of the writers who have already mastered this longed-for skill.

Indeed, the services where students can buy custom paper provide them with unique samples developed by expert authors who, through their works, pass their own knowledge and writing adeptness down to readers. By checking out the sample we have included in this article, you’ll gain the proper understanding of how a well-written book review should look like. So, make sure to grab this chance and peruse our sample!

Fight Club Symbolism

“The first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about fight club”. However, it is strikingly necessary to break this principle in order to analyze some impressive symbols of the novel. So, being sort of rebels, let us start a fantastic journey through the unique world of Chuck Palahniuk’s metaphors.

In fact, every page of Fight Club is infiltrated with the strong images that have a hidden subtext. Nevertheless, there is one main idea symbolically expressed in the novel: objection to a consumer society. Paying attention to seemingly insignificant things, the author highlights a really acute problem.

A capitalistic society is an environment the novel is set in. People chase brands, and brands enslave people. Time and again, the names of world-famous companies come up in the story being the symbols of moral corruption. Bang, bang, bang… Dolce and Gabanna, Versace, and Gucci shoot pilasters blinded by the bright wrappers and kill their personalities. The author himself calls it a humiliation, “A loss of face… Because the only status those characters have established is based on a false premise”.

Another impressive symbol is an explosion of the main hero’s apartment, which, actually, is a pile of fashion goodies. Although not on his free will, Jack blows it upsetting his mind free. This explosion symbolizes the destruction of consumer society’s shackle. “That was my whole life…The plants were me. The television was me. It was me that blew up”. Jack associates this event with his own death, but “…the first step to eternal life is you have to die”.

Finally, all of the elements mentioned add up to a clear symbolic picture of the society mired in the world of fake values. On the other side of the scale is destruction as a symbol of freedom. Despite the confrontation, both of the images are represented equally brilliant.

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