Are you ready for a ‘Smart’ home? What are the things to Consider?

With the various news reports of smart homes being in the works, are you ready for your home to be transformed into one? Smart homes are homes that can perform certain functions on their own with the help of Internet connectivity. It is a house where all appliances and devices work together in harmony through automation and can communicate over networks. 

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This means that no matter if you are in the living room or outside in your backyard, how many floors up in your bedroom, or even in another country, you will always get an alert on your phone when something needs attention at home. What does this mean for homeowners? We take a look at some of these benefits that may convince you it’s time to get’smart’ about your home.

Endless Possibilities 

A smart home allows the owner to save a lot of money. With systems like utilities and cooperative buying and selling, users will be able to reduce their energy bills by up to 30%. For example, an intelligent system can observe when you are in your home with sensors that connect to exterior doors that don’t require wiring. 

This means that when homeowners are away, they can choose how much or how little they want their heating or cooling system in the house to work. A simple change of settings on an application on their phone can do this for them. The same goes for lighting. If you are having dinner in the dining room, it is only necessary to have the chandelier light up, but you might want to have all lights on when you are in the living room. This is when a house with intelligent lighting will come in handy – check for insights. 

Since smart homes can also be connected to many other devices in your home, it only makes sense that they would save time. A video doorbell, for example, has replaced the traditional doorbell, so there is no need for someone to get up out of bed or off the couch to see who’s at the front door. Here again, an application on their phone alerts homeowners whether someone is at their front door or not. The same goes for video surveillance, especially if you cannot always be present at home. With remote access using your smartphone, you will always know what is happening at home while you are away. 

Sustainable Aspect

It’s time to go green! Smart homes can reduce your carbon footprint. This is mainly done through waste management. For example, smart waste bins automatically know when they need to be emptied and send a request on your phone for someone else in the house to do so instead of being at home to wait for the sanitation worker. While you are out doing errands, schedule this sort of task in advance on your app. Another way innovative technology helps with going green is through recycling or composting. With systems that recycle resources like water, homeowners won’t have to worry about waste sitting around and taking up space in their trash bins anymore. They aren’t the only ones who benefit from this, as it also reduces pollution and decreases our dependence on non-renewable resources. 

As we all know, technology is constantly advancing, and with smart homes taking off, this trend will continue to increase, as will their benefits. This does not mean that today’s homes are obsolete. Still, those planning for a new home purchase definitely should consider smart homes as an option, or at least some of their accessories, such as intelligent lighting or sensors to secure the exterior doors. Homeowners already living in a smart home can think about adding systems such as smart appliances that can schedule their devices, such as ovens or dishwashers, through an app—perfect for busy moms who want to cook but don’t have the time. 

Reduce Risk 

What’s more, it is essential to remember that in this digital age we live in, smart homes reduce the risk of home invasion and allow homeowners to be safe in their homes. For example, with a video doorbell, you can always know who’s at your front door without having to get up from the couch or leave a family member alone while they go check. The same goes for any other system that allows you to remotely monitor your home from anywhere on your phone, such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors, or even systems that connect to your car and lock down your doors when you are away. All work together to make sure you never feel isolated, no matter where you are in the world. 

These days, we all lead such busy lives that it seems like we spend more and more time away from home than at home. Smart homes help us feel safe and secure wherever we are, whether we’re at work or on vacation. These convenient systems allow homeowners to be in control of their homes even when they aren’t there. It is clear that technology has found its place in the smart home, making life easier for everyone who lives in one. IFTTT; Augmented Reality; Amazon Echo; Home Automation; Nest Thermostat; Washing Machine

Alexa: Amazon Echo (voice-controlled virtual assistant) 

IFTTT (If This Then That) Connect two to do something automatically when certain conditions are met 

Augmented reality – technology in which a view of the real world is augmented to add computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data to make it more meaningful. 

Nest Thermostat: a programmable device that learns when consumers typically use their heating and cooling systems and then uses that knowledge to conserve energy   

– Washing Machine – automatically washes clothes when they are in the machine, are ready to be washed, or have gone into its spin cycle. 

Smart homes with smart technology can help reduce carbon footprint, take care of waste management systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Environmentally friendly technology can also reduce pollution and dependence on nonrenewable resources.

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