Guide to Temporary Residence Permit in Ukraine

Ukraine temporary residence permit gives a foreign visitor the permission to stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days. You can obtain a Ukraine temporary residence permit for many reasons. For example, if you receive a job in Ukraine that requires you to work there for a few months. You may be wanted to pay a visit to a spouse or a family member who is a Ukraine citizen.

You may be dispatched by your country as a representative to carry out a certain errand in Ukraine. You’ve come to Ukraine to carry out a mission for a religious organization such as preaching. You want temporary residence for carrying out any volunteering work such as helping a charity, teaching at a school, or getting involved in a science experiment. You are working for a foreign mass media that operates in Ukraine.


To apply for the work permit in Ukraine, you must gather all the necessary documents. There are a few application forms that you have to fill to obtain the temporary residence. You must get your host to make a request on your behalf that you need a temporary residence permit. Your passport also needs to be translated into the Ukrainian language. The immigration office will also request for the document that proves you have zero track record conducting criminal activity in Ukraine. Along with your documents, you are to provide 4 matte copies of photos of yourself. Each photo must be 3.5 x 4.5 cm.

If possible, you must provide the notarized copy of your Ukrainian ID. You also have to produce the receipt for paying the SMSU service and state duty. Any statement written by your employer or dean of the university must be sealed in an envelope and organized in a binder.

The length of stay can be extended in the future if the situation requires you to do so. If you are interested in requesting for an extension, you must submit the application not later than 3 days prior to the expiration date on your permit. You also have to provide statements to show that you have full support for the extension in the event that you are in a situation like being dismissed from job, or university graduation.

It can be confusing having to file these documents on your own to request for a temporary residence permit. Submitting the wrong documents will result in your application getting rejected and you will have to file it again. For this reason, it is recommended that you hire an expert migration company to help you to file for the Ukraine temporary residence permit. They know how to fill in the application form with the correct information. They know exactly what types of documents are needed to file for the application.

Prior to hiring, make sure to do research 3 – 4 migration companies including checking their portfolio, reading reviews and interviewing them on the phone about the total costs. With the proper professional help, you will be able to receive your residence permit in Ukraine within a week time.

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