Definition and Principle of Cryptocurrency THETA

Theta project is a decentralized streaming platform based on blockchain and its own cryptocurrency THETA, with a focus on the world of online video games. Explanations.

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What is the Theta project?

In the crypto world, the Theta project is positioning itself separately by seeking to develop a form of video streaming, in particular the stream of video games, of better quality and at a lower cost. The idea here is to use blockchain technology to solve the technical problems of this activity, via a decentralized stream platform (called that presents itself as a competitor of Twitch, and providing a superior experience in terms of latency and image quality. To achieve this, the Theta project encourages users to make their bandwidth or available disk space available to the community to relay videos, in exchange for remuneration in the form of a THETA token (theta price prediction). The target is therefore esports fans and passionate or professional gamers.

What is the Theta token?

The cryptocurrency THETA token is the cryptocurrency on which the Theta project ecosystem and its stream platform is based. On the one hand, the crypto currency is used to reward users who provide bandwidth and storage space. On the other hand, it allows players to financially support their favorite video game creators. According to its promoters, this mode of operation ensures a better quality service, especially in less developed regions where the network leaves something to be desired, while reducing costs through decentralization and the elimination of intermediaries.

Where to buy Theta?

Excluding gain on the platform, it is possible to acquire THETA tokens in several different ways: buying, trading and exchanging for other cryptos. Many exchanges offer THETA, either live or against Ethers or Bitcoins: These purchases can be used to support creators on the platform or to make an investment focusing on rising prices of this currency.

How to win Theta?

To win Theta tokens, you must register on the platform and start accumulating THETA by watching streams or playing yourself. But the most interesting crypto gains are made by providing bandwidth to the ecosystem. This requires downloading the “Edge Node”, compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS devices. There is also a “Guardian Node” mode, accessible from 1000 THETA, and which allows you to stake and validate blockchain blocks (tezos price prediction 2030).

Theta courses

The THETA cryptocurrency, available since May 2020, remained confidential during its first months of existence. Since the beginning of 2021, negotiations have grown: its price has increased from 1 euro to 6 euros between January 1 and the end of June 2021, after a peak of nearly 12 euros on April 16. Theta’s capitalization is between €6 and €12 billion, and could reach €20 billion in 2025 according to Digitalcoinprice.

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