Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss?

Nowadays, most people want a weight loss solution that produces dramatic results quickly, and with minimal side effects. Unfortunately there’s no beating the time-tested technique of portion control and exercise – but it requires patience. There are a few natural remedies Best Essential Oils which can help make the process easier.

Unlike dubious weight-loss drugs, essential oils have been around for thousands of years in everything from primitive cosmetics to medicinal treatments. But which oils are supported by modern scientific fact when it comes to weight loss? I’ve delved into the research for you and come up with a list of the best essential oils for weight loss.

Why Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated aromatic liquids made from the roots, seeds, flowers, fruits and leaves of plants. They are easily vapourised to release a strong, pleasant odour.

Well, how does this help with weight loss? For most of us, shedding pounds is more than simply calories in vs calories out. There are psychological factors involved such as craving, motivation and emotional eating.

Our sense of smell may help us with control and willpower. Many people find that certain essential oils can reduce cravings and promote feelings of fullness. Of course, this only works in combination with a healthy diet and exercise routine. It’s not going to work on its own but it can make traditional diet plans more successful.

7 Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Grapefruit Essential Oil

When you search online for the best essential oils for weight loss, grapefruit oil almost always comes out on top. The reasons for this are numerous. Grapefruit contains nootkatone, a natural compound which activates an enzyme called AMPK involved in human metabolism and energy.

Grapefruit Essential Oil

A study entitled “Nootkatone, a characteristic constituent of grapefruit, stimulates energy metabolism and prevents diet-induced obesity by activating AMPK” found that long-term intake of nootkatone can help prevent obesity and improve physical performance.

Further research in lab rats showed that exposure to grapefruit oil for 15 minutes, three times a week caused weight loss and reduced appetite. It is suggested that limonene in grapefruit causes fat breakdown.

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Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon oil also contains the compound limonene, so it can be concluded that it has appetite suppressant and fat burning effects. A study showed that use of lemon oil in combination with grapefruit oil lead to weight loss.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon oil may also help with emotional or comfort eating. Research has shown that “lemon oil reliably enhances positive mood compared to water and lavender regardless of expectancies or previous use of aromatherapy”. This oil is truly multi-functional, it also has painkilling properties which can help with aches if you’re starting to introduce exercise for weight loss.

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Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil acts as a natural appetite suppressant – resulting in lower levels of hunger and decreased calorie consumption. A study found that peppermint oil slowed small intestinal transit time, leading to increased feeling of fullness. It also relaxed the gallbladder, aiding digestion.

Peppermint Essential Oil

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Bergamot Essential Oil

If you’re prone to emotional eating, bergamot oil might be just what you need. Although food is technically meant as purely sustenance and nourishment, it’s become inextricably linked with mood in modern society. If we can’t stick to our diet, we may feel stressed or upset, causing us to turn to food as comfort. Bergamot oil may help keep our mood balanced, making it easier to resist comfort eating.

Bergamot Essential Oil

One study exposed participants to the aroma of bergamot oil for 15 minutes and then measured their levels of cortisol – a marker for stress. Bergamot oil lowered cortisol levels and participants also experienced more positive mood.

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Fennel Essential Oil

Melatonin – a hormone involved in regulation of sleep pattern, is found naturally in fennel. Not only will fennel essential oils for sleep better but a study found that melatonin reduced weight gain when compared with the control group without any difference in food intake.

Fennel Essential Oil

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Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon is more than just a delicious, warming spice. It also has effects on your blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar is unstable, it can lead to lack of energy, cravings and overeating.

Cinnamon Essential Oil

When your body has low insulin sensitivity (called “insulin resistance”), it results in increased fat storage and weight gain. Insulin resistance is an early sign for Type II Diabetes. Cinnamon increases insulin sensitivity, leading to increased uptake of blood glucose.

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Ginger Essential Oil

Last but certainly not least, we have ginger oil. Ginger contains compounds called gingerols which reduce inflammation and help increase absorption of vitamins and minerals from your food. If you’re on a diet, it’s vitally important that you get enough of these nutrients so using ginger oil is a good idea.

Ginger Essential Oil

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How to Use Essential Oils for Weight Loss

There are so many different ways to use essential oils for weight loss – why not try a few and find the method that works best for you. Here are some of the most common techniques for starters:


A massage is a great way to absorb essential oils through your skin while also getting a hefty dose of vapour into your lungs. It also helps you relax, which may prevent comfort eating.

You don’t have to go to an expensive spa for this, try convincing a partner to do it, or massage your arms or legs yourself. Always use a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil as some oils can cause skin irritation if used undiluted.

Aromatherapy bath

A bath is another great way to relax. Add a few drops of essential oil – the warm water will produce a fragrant vapour and the oils will also coat your skin

Use an oil burner or diffuser

If you suffer from cravings throughout the day, a constant release of essential oils through a diffuser or oil burner may help.

Inhale on the go

If you’re out a lot or need a boost at work, try an aromatherapy necklace. Apply the oil of your choice and sniff it whenever you feel a craving. A cloth with a few drops of oil serves the same purpose but doesn’t look as pretty.


I hope these tips on the best essential oils for weight loss will help you. Even if they don’t make any difference to my weight, I still love using them. The evidence, however, is pretty convincing so the odds are in your favour!

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