4 Careers That Give You Personal Freedom

For many people across the country, there are certain jobs that are more desirable than others. Some people’s brains simply aren’t wired in such a way that makes them conducive to work in an office where they have to perform at the behest of a project manager or have fixed hours each day. If you are interested in having a career that gives you a lot of personal autonomy, then you are in the right place, as this guide has been created to recommend four careers that have a strong focus on freedom. Read on to learn about the right kind of jobs that would suit your independent personality.

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If you are a fan of the open road and working while the radio is blasting your favorite music, then a career in trucking — often offering salaries north of $60,000 a year — might be the right one for you. Not only do you get to explore the country, but you actually get paid for the privilege. It is easier than ever to work as an independent trucker due to the amount of truck loads boards that you can peruse to find gigs. For a great option for truck loads, check out the services available at https://www.shiply.com/us/truck-loads.

Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer

The great part about being a freelance writer is that you can set your hours, and essentially you can work from anywhere — something more people are gravitating to these days. Whether you want to work as a journalist or a copywriter, there are so many options available online to find gigs and to find the time to work on them at your own convenience. You can even work while on the go: all you need is a well-functioning laptop and high-quality Wi-Fi wherever you go.



If you like to travel and engage with the world around you, then there are few careers as good as working as a photographer, whether it’s at sporting events or for fashion shoots. While it does take a long time to build up a portfolio and to secure gigs, once you have an established workflow, you might find that it is simply one of the most enjoyable jobs around.

Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer

If you are a people person and you love fitness, then the best way to combine both of those passions is to become a personal trainer. If you are already someone who spends a lot of time exercising and in the gym, making that move isn’t too difficult, and while it is hard to build up a client base even using an app for personal trainers, once you have regular customers, you can find that it is quite a lucrative career.


The four jobs listed above are just a snapshot of the different careers that you could go into that allow you to set your own hours and to work with a high level of personal autonomy. Just make sure that you have enough backup cash before you start, so getting established in these fields is as stress-free as possible.

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