10 Most Important Questions That You Must Ask To SEO Company

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital approach to boost the number of visitors for the websites. If your business website does not get displayed in the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other pages, then there is a minimal chance that the online searchers might be aware of your business existence. Therefore, the search engine visibility is highly crucial for every business, which is possible with the help of SEO. Hence, it is better to hire an SEO company.

Hiring SEO company is a challenging task because it can either fetch you the desirable outcome or leave your business in jeopardizing state. It is imperative to choose the company wisely and carefully.

This blog covers some important questions that you should ask before going to finalize an SEO company that will optimize the website of your business. These questions will help you get the right company for your organization. Lets have glance below and know more in detail.

1) How Will You Optimize Search Engine Rankings Of Our Website?

No one can achieve the consistent result without deploying proper SEO strategy. If anyone uses the random keywords or builds the links without any effective plan, then it is not necessary that he/she will take the website to a good position in search engine result page; you may get sporadic traffic. All good SEO professionals should follow the systematic process to bring the significant web traffic consistently. And, the systematic process includes,

    1. On-site SEO audit: First they should start with auditing the website to analyze the opportunity for gaining quick wins.
    2. Identify Keywords: Second thing, they should do is finding the best keyword.
    3. Build Backlink: Building backlink is a part of SEO job. You must remember that deploying a single good link is far better than implementing thousands of low-quality backlinks. According to the data, today a good SEO company charges around $20 for building one good backlink. This means, if anyone is billing $5 to $10 or less for building numerous backlinks, then you must think of stepping back.

2) How will you inform me about the changes that you make in my website?

It is imperative for the website owners to be informed about the changes made in the website. A good SEO company sends the report regularly. Generally, the frequency of report sending is once in a month. There should be an open and a consistent communication system between you and the SEO professional. A good SEO company should provide a detailed log that accentuates all the imperative changes. One more method that can lessen the intensity of the risk is deploying all the changes by in-house team. This will help you understand the causes that break the website.

3) Can I See the Information of Your Past Clients and Results?

By checking review, you can assess the quality of work that the SEO Company has delivered. You cannot expect that the SEO Company will present the client’s information to you. The good SEO companies will definitely show the work that they have done with 2 or 3 clients. Indeed, they can also describe that how they helped their clients to gain ranking. If you find that the company does not present any example of its portfolio, then this is a warning sign for you.

You can also ask about the client who was/is active for the longest period with them. Generally, a good SEO company can help business grow by 5% to 15%. And, no client would like to stop working with such a company. If you witness the longest active client gave up the company under a year, then this is a red flag.

4) Do You Know About The Latest Change In Algorithm?

As we all know that Google holds more than 65% of the market shares, hence, it is imperative for everyone to build the strong position in the Google search result page. In a single year, Google deploys around 500 algorithm updates in order to deliver a better content to the search engine marketer. It has mentioned some rules that every website owner should follow to maintain ranking and if anyone violates the webmaster rules, then he/she will face the penalty that can lead to break the website.

There are 3 famous algorithms working to enhance the functionality of the search engine. For example, Panda algorithm penalizes the websites that violate the on-page SEO guidelines, whereas, Penguin penalizes the websites that are found violating the off-page SEO rules. And, Mobilegeddon is another algorithm that basically prefers the mobile-friendly website.

5) Which Kind Of SEO Process Do You Follow?

It is good, if an SEO company follows technical SEO process that includes auditing the website and strives to find out the web crawler error, 404 pages, broken links, redirecting problem, as well as analyzing problems associated with the website navigation. Along with this, a good SEO professional should carry out on-page and off-page optimization process. The on-page optimization is related to enhancing the aspect of the content on the website by implementing the relevant keywords at the appropriate position. Besides content optimization, it has also been zeroed in by SEO team to provide a better than the best experience.

On the other hand, off-page optimization is related to building backlinks from authoritative websites that enable the search engine to trust your website.

6) Can You Ensure That For A Major Search Term Our Website Will Be At The First Position?

This is quite tricky one. No SEO professional can give you guarantee that he/she will take the website to the number 1 position, because

Google Algorithm Is Not Easy To Understand: Google generates around $17 billion in three months. And, more than 60% of the revenue come from the search engine. This clearly states that Google keeps its search algorithm in such a way that a nobody will know about its algorithm. If you find anybody claiming that he/she knows everything of the Google search algorithm, then be cautious.

Change In Google Algorithm Is not Easy To Predict: No one is aware of the how and when Google amends its algorithm. According to data, it seems that in a single day, Google deploys the changes in more than one algorithm. Therefore, it is not easy for everyone to keep updated about the change in algorithm.

Along with this, it can’t even be guessed that when the website will get penalized because penalities are generally algorithmic and Google never easily reveals that when it pushes the change in algorithm.

All these things clearly allude that no one can ensure that your website will rank at number 1 for the difficult keyword. If you target for easy keyword, then the SEO professional may guarantee to offer the #1 position in the search result.

7) Do You Have Experience In Fixing The Penalized Website?

The algorithmic and manual penalty have been enacted since 2011. Hence, if SEO professionals are working for at least 2 to 3 years, they may have idea of fixing the penalized websites.

The good SEO professionals can help you achieve a high success rate for the penalized website. You should ask that how can they be helpful in bringing the positive results for your website.

8) How Frequently Will You Send The Report? What Will You Cover In The Report?

Generally, an SEO company presents the report on monthly basis. If you want to have the report according to your required frequency, then they can also do that too. Now come to the format of the report. The standard report should comprise the following elements:

  • Search Rankings: The search ranking is the most imperative element that should be added in report, especially when you are targeting the main keywords.
  • Search Traffic: This is one of the most important key features that define the progress in search traffic. The report should provide an insight to the percentage change from the last month of the current year and the last year of the same month.
  • Activities Summary: This describes the details about progress in email campaigns, content creation, and number the new backlinks for your website that have been created.
  • Conversions: This element states that how many search visitors get converted into the customers. Without any conversion, you can have return on investment.

9) How Does Your Team Implement Strategy As Per My Business Standard?

According to the stats, it has been found that most of the organizations feel reluctant while hiring an SEO company because they believe that investing in SEO cannot be of much helpful for their industry. This is true that some digital marketing strategies will not work for your business. But, a good SEO company knows that how to implement the strategies, so that it can work prolifically for your business.

10) Why Should We Preference to You Rather Than other SEO Companies?

By asking this type of question, you should look for the negative aspects; for example, if their answers are like below, then you should maintain a distance from such companies.

  • The price of our services are cheaper than other
  • We can bring the result faster
  • We have the capability to bring more backlinks
  • Cannot explain the services

The first thing you should remember is, a good SEO company does not offer its services at cheaper rates. Additionally, it is a kind of long-term investment to boost the company ranking in the search result.

The ideal answers from the end of SEO professionals should be like, they should showcase the work report of the success and share information about the happy clients.

Try these questions, while hiring a good SEO company because only a good SEO company can be relied to bring consistent boost to your organization in the digital space. It will take a month or more to achieve an increase in search engine ranking as well as conversion, but you can make the most of a good SEO company soon.

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